The best day of my life is the day I met you. The best moments of my life are the moments I spent with you. My love for you grows stronger day by day
456xlikes 145xdislikes
posted 10 years ago by Richard


Benton 10 year ago  +3
I love it
Guest 7 year ago  +1
Guest 6 year ago  +1
Am interesting
nabila 10 year ago
Lol funy but kool
Jan 10 year ago
Love it
patoh 8 year ago
Gwaez I like it
Biodun 6 year ago
Guest 6 year ago
Am interesting
Boyitie Benjamin 4 year ago
Wow is kul
Guest 4 year ago
So sweet
Aj 3 year ago
Luv it
Aj 3 year ago
Love it
Susana 10 year ago  -1
Friday Adams
lerato 10 year ago  -1
not ayoba
Brendan Matumbike 6 year ago  -1
Markaville 6 year ago  -1
Nice one
beaten.k 10 year ago  -2
For real I mean it