Tiny stars shining bright. Time for me to say good night... Close my eyes & snuggle tight. Wishing you sweet dreams tonight...
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posted 12 years ago by Conner, written by Ann Lindberg & Stephen McPhail


📌 Ann Lindberg 10 year ago  +1
Search beerweazl.com I smiled big when I saw our lyrics in a card. Tiny stars is in a cd called hunger of heart that we made years ago.then cd:hunger of heart and you find tiny stars
📌 Derek Stephen McPhail 10 year ago  +1
nice to see you promote a segment of "Tiny Stars", one of my song lyric collaborations with Ann Lindberg. would be nice if you gave us credit. - "Hunger of the Heart": - www.beerweazl.com
Kris 12 year ago  +4
conner you remind me of my brother because well is name is Conner lol thanks though this helped and if you are my brother i love you bro
Ali 11 year ago  +3
My bf and I have been growing distant but ima start putting in an effort, starting with this=) Thanks!
RRR 11 year ago  +2
i love u for ever babe,u are the reason i can smile everyday,you are my life,thank u for the love you've shown me,i wish to see you soon,and hug you really tight,and kiss u till u take my breath away.
Doe 9 year ago  +2
This is VERY beautiful! There is so much beauty and love in these precious words!
Jimmy conner 12 year ago  +1
Hey kris..good to know...you like my POST..:D It's gonna help me to write better posts in future..:) Thanxy.
Daisy 11 year ago  +1
It's cute^^
Me 11 year ago  +1
Will u write me one
Zandi 11 year ago  +1
wud you write me one
Jimmy 11 year ago
Thanks daisy. :)
Jimmy 11 year ago
Ok..yeah thats good. :) Just never ever give up ALI. Good luck.
Jimmy 11 year ago
Yeah sure..- "ME" i can write you one.. just give me your e-mail. i'll write and send it to you. :)
meniba solomon 11 year ago
i like this
Jimmy 11 year ago
Thanks meniba :D
James 11 year ago
Hi Could you write me one plz im sorry if u get alot of reqests its just your really good :D
Jimmy 11 year ago
Hey james..yeah sure could write you one..just give me your e-mail. I'll write it and send it to you. Nope no prob its ok.
Jimmy 11 year ago
Hhahahhaa yeah sure. Hey shane is it u..!! or "RRR" its someone else...?!
shane 11 year ago
ahahaha nah it isnt me....guess shes referring to his bf not u..lol
Derp 11 year ago
jimmy 11 year ago
Thanx derp... :)
Christina 11 year ago
Loving sum1 is special
jimmy 11 year ago
Yeah it is for sure special, christina. ;) I can say it's a wonderful feeling. :)
Maria rita 7 year ago
Good night
D. Stephen McPhail 7 year ago
Part of original lyric of "Tiny Stars": Tiny stars shining bright... Time for me to say good night... Close my eyes and snuggle tight... Wishing you sweet dreams tonight... etc.,,,
Jimmy conner 7 year ago
Hi, stepehen. I saw your previous comment about adding some credits. At the time of posting, I just wanted everyone to have a simple goodnyt text. I wasnt actually sure if I was doing a promotion.
Jimmy conner 7 year ago
Well, if I could edit the original post, I'ld love to add the credits for this awesome song.
D. Stephen McPhail 7 year ago
Thanks for giving me and Ann Lindberg our credit for "Tiny Stars" and for the slight edit of the first verse. do appreciate your promotion of this song. all the best in 2017.
Sudheer singh 4 year ago
Love it