When I think of you I smile, and when I smile I think of you. I don't know whether it's the thinking that makes me smile or the smile that keeps me thinking.
342xlikes 55xdislikes
posted 10 years ago by abbracx


Paula Thompson 10 year ago  +2
I have you close to my heart always.
koko 10 year ago  +1
Loving you is what matters to me
patience 10 year ago
You are the happiness I see when I wake up
Steven Johnson 10 year ago
I think that it's a great love poem to read, to give, and to know more for my girlfriend because she is madly in love with me. Her name is Chelsey Baker; she's the love of my life.
Dickson chi 10 year ago
Very good
Dwipp 10 year ago
Love is good, God is good.
subhankar das 7 year ago
"Soul meets soul on lovers' lips."
beast 7 year ago
Send more they r workin
kato charles 8 year ago  -1