Geez.. I hate your Armpit Hair!!
572xlikes 1403xdislikes
posted 11 years ago by EatMeUp


that guy 11 year ago  +3
awwwwee that is the cuiteist thing ever I used it on my girl and got laid that night xD
Trouble-Maker 11 year ago  +1
This is more likely to be 'eewwwww' than being funny!
MadBossy 11 year ago  +1
what does this have to do with love tho ?
claudia 10 year ago  +1
If your boyfriend tells you that... tell him get a life.
alyssa 9 year ago  +1
Varaldsoy 11 year ago
38 likes? Why?
yoyo 11 year ago
Ha ha I really llike it
GrumpyMcGrump 11 year ago
I also hate armpit hair, but I hate armpit hair messages even more!
IKO ISTYMICH 10 year ago
Sound funy really
taylor8wift 10 year ago
its so kadiri............................................ tapos may likes pa?dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ewwwwwwwww
Guest 10 year ago
I would suck on her armpit hair till I choked on a hair ball!
tundefola#42 9 year ago
It is true we have some dirty girls around us
bekky 8 year ago
wow very funny
olasunkanmi. 8 year ago
i love it only when it clean...that is for neat ladies not dirty ones.
Cloe213 11 year ago  -1
Why seriously!?!?!? o_O
tundefola#42 9 year ago  -1
I love it