For the last 24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86400 seconds, I’ve missed you
176xlikes 46xdislikes
posted 11 years ago by win


Marvelous 11 year ago  +9
For the last 24 hrs, 1440 minutes, 86400 seconds, I’ve missed you
Ifeanyichi odinaka 11 year ago  +2
I mis u
uchenna 11 year ago
awesome i lov it
EXCEL 10 year ago
strong point
christopher ikechukwu 9 year ago
That's a wonderful and emotional text message
1234Hd 3 year ago
Guest 3 year ago
24 hours 1440 minutes 86400 seconds and every single moment.....
Bharat Jamnik 3 year ago
24 hours 1440 minutes 86400 seconds and every single moment.....
andrew 11 year ago  -1
kali hii
Callum Williams 11 year ago  -1
I love u so much