When you ask me how much I love you I cannot answer because there are no words that can measure my love for you.
249xlikes 36xdislikes
posted 10 years ago by nextlvltbd


sureshsingh 10 year ago  +2
When you ask me how much I love you I cannot answer because there are no words that can measure my love for you.
Antonio 10 year ago  +1
Wow! I can't wait to use this line on my girlfriend the next time she ask me how much I love her. This is great! thanks!
adamseey 10 year ago  +1
I always need love texts
Thandi 10 year ago
Let your heart be a healing hospital for wounded souls.
Micheal young 10 year ago
I really like this, very next time I'm going to use this for my girlfriend if she asks me such again...
twity 10 year ago
good, I like it.
V MESH 9 year ago
WOW... I like it