Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile, Thinking of you makes me smile, Being with you is the best thing ever, And loving you is what I'll do forever..
535xlikes 75xdislikes
posted 10 years ago by Nkosie


Guest 10 year ago  +1
cally 10 year ago  +1
Soo cute<3
MadsnMike 10 year ago
I love this...! Just sent this to my sweetheart! <3
marvellous 10 year ago
I love this, I will send it to my gf
annfeliks 10 year ago
This is indeed lovely. I sent this to the LOVE OF MY LIFE
betty 10 year ago
it is a text that touch the heart, i love it and i promise to send it to my heart beat
MOSPEE 10 year ago
mmmh sweat1 I've to send it to my lovable1 who gives meanig to my life
Dillon 10 year ago
Gawd I just love this!
tlaleng 10 year ago
I love this, please send to my true one.
Ankit 10 year ago
Awesome text. Loved it.
Oketafa 8 year ago
Guest 8 year ago
I love this! I'm sending it to the love of my life
margy 7 year ago
Keb Uganda 5 year ago
So amazing.......! 2my heart beat.
Ivanny 4 year ago
It's like the message was sent from above to my gf
Ivanny 4 year ago
Sweet words for my gf
I LOVE RAHUL 10 year ago  -1
Sent this to myy baby, i love him i dont know what i can do without him. Thank you
Trouble-Maker 10 year ago  -1
Love this text, dude! I'll send this text 2 ma beloved...
love message for her 7 year ago  -1