Baby I didn't know what true love felt like until I met you. I love you with all my heart and always will.
286xlikes 54xdislikes
posted 9 years ago by alexis98


Kr 9 year ago  +1
Kr 9 year ago
ciara 9 year ago
This is for the one i love
If there were'nt so many players, love wouldn't be 9 year ago
Can somebody tell me the true meaning of love?
Isaiah bran fort 9 year ago
Love you die
nats 9 year ago
Isn't no one giving me no comments and am giving you jeees
talia 9 year ago
Wow its sertenly for the. One that I love
ntsikei 9 year ago
Good stuff
Thokozane pencil 9 year ago
Wow just the way I like its simply and strait forward wow!
Joy 3 year ago  -1
Love message