For all those times you stood by me,for all the joy you brougt to my life,for every dream you make come true,I will be forever thankful baby
64xlikes 12xdislikes
posted 9 years ago by lawarl kila


Nadia Bauri 9 year ago  +1
You are a great writter , may the god of hope fill you with love ,joy &peace!!!!!
Nadia Bauri 9 year ago
You are a great writter , may the god of hope fill you with love ,joy &peace!!!!!
Mihir 9 year ago
L-listen (me) O-observe (me) V-verify (me) E-experience (me) SO /_¤V€ M€...!
Guest 9 year ago
§¤¤<! Ni§ht all of friend.
bukenys shafik 9 year ago
I really loved them so much you're literature is nice