You are my life,my hope,my joy and everything. My love for you is eternal and it grows stronger each day that passes by. I love you so much honey.,,,,,,,,,,,
218xlikes 52xdislikes
posted 10 years ago by For you My love


Guest 10 year ago  +11
I can go tru miles to express this love in my heart for you, pls take me as I am.
Tiaira Stanley 9 year ago  +1
My love of my life dosent like me back hes never liked me and always im stupid I just wish I had somebody to talk about this to
Ampaga 5 year ago  +1
I like it
Aaron smith 9 year ago
So touching
kavya 9 year ago
This love is very ousome it hurts it make people happy it helps to make the person feel that v r very special an i love to b loved by love ones...
Guest 5 year ago
Lio airborne Steven 3 year ago
Marvellous 3 year ago
Nice one
Willing Johnson 3 year ago
Nice quote
Willing Johnson 3 year ago
Nice quote keep it up,👍
Willing Johnson 3 year ago
Nice quote keep it up,👍