If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.
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posted 11 years ago by youaremyheaven


Guest 11 year ago  +2
So True, Who has this happened to?
Steph 11 year ago  +2
yah, its true! This is currently happening to me. I am surely that i am getting fall inlove for the second time. But i don't think that i love him more than my first love..
KwameBruno 11 year ago  +1
Yea... For real...
Steph 11 year ago
i am just enjoying his presence while completing/fulfilling the absence of the first one..
Steph 11 year ago
Thanks for always with me Mr. Second One :)
Anne 11 year ago
True!!! If u really love the first one u would never look for a second one
efizy 11 year ago
Thats true
brokn heart 10 year ago
That's really true and yeah it did happen to me, and this message really comforts me
dhel 10 year ago
depends on the situation
dimeji otubanjo 10 year ago
It's for real.
Guest 11 year ago  -1